IBBY Canada is honoured and delighted to be hosting the 40th IBBY World Congress in 2026.
We look forward to welcoming the world of children’s books to Canada with over 350 national and international IBBY friends and colleagues visiting Ottawa, Canada’s national capital, for four days of connection, culture, celebration—and exploration of the Congress theme of “Listening to Each Other’s Voices.”
We invite you to explore the website—and reach out to us at hi-bonjour@ibbycongress2026.org if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you in Ottawa!
Welcome to IBBY World Congress 2026 in Ottawa, Canada

Meet the Members of the Scientific Committee fo...
As co-chairs of the Scientific (Programming) Committee, we – Lesley Clement and Josiane Polidori – have put together a diverse core working committee, which will be responsible for planning and...
Meet the Members of the Scientific Committee fo...
As co-chairs of the Scientific (Programming) Committee, we – Lesley Clement and Josiane Polidori – have put together a diverse core working committee, which will be responsible for planning and...
IBBY Canada Named Host of IBBY’s 40th Internati...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, June 24, 2021: IBBY Canada, the Canadian national section of the International Board on Books for Young People, is thrilled to announce that Canada has been selected to...
IBBY Canada Named Host of IBBY’s 40th Internati...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, June 24, 2021: IBBY Canada, the Canadian national section of the International Board on Books for Young People, is thrilled to announce that Canada has been selected to...
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For Congress 2026 updates and more information about IBBY Canada
Land acknowledgement: Congress 2026
The 40th annual IBBY World Congress is being held on the unceded and unsurrendered territory of the Anishinaabe Algonquin Nation. IBBY Canada wishes to acknowledge the Indigenous peoples who are our hosts, and our ongoing responsibilities to all forms of life in these lands and waters.
We honour the Anishinaabe Algonquin Nation’s long tradition of welcoming many nations to this beautiful land; and through the Congress, and the theme of “Listening to Each Other’s Voices,” we seek to uphold and uplift the voices and values of our host Nation. -
Iyo 40th Miziwekamig mazinahiganan ondje weshkinìgidjig màmandòsewin kada tagwan odakìwàng Anishinàbeg Algonquin ega wìkàd kà mìgiwewàdj odakìwà. Neyàgadjitòdjig iyo màmandòsewin ogì kikienindànàwà Anishinàbeg nìgànìkandamowàdj iyo pimàdjiziwin ondaje kaye akì ashidj nibì kakina pemidjiwang.
Nijaweninmànànig ogog Kakina Anishinàbeg wayeskat kì animikàwàwàdj wìyagi pemàdizindjin ondaje kwayenàdjiwininig odakìwàng kaye ondje iyo màmadòsewin, kidji pizindàdiyeng ekidong, odikidomiwiniwàn kaye odibahigemowàn. -
Le 40e Congrès mondial d’IBBY se déroulera sur le territoire non cédé et non capitulé de la Nation algonquine Anishinaabe. IBBY Canada désire reconnaître les peuples autochtones comme nos hôtes, ainsi que nos responsabilités continues sur toutes les formes de vie sur ces terres et ces eaux.
Nous honorons la longue tradition de la Nation algonquine Anishinaabe d’accueillir de nombreuses nations sur cette terre magnifique tout au long du Congrès. Avec pour thème « Écouter la voix de l’autre », nous cherchons à soutenir et à encourager les voix et les valeurs de notre Nation hôtesse de l’événement.